United for Social Transformation is a 24-months European Youth Together project that involves six organisations from five European Union countries (Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain). The main aim of the project is to promote the active participation of young people in democratic life, through the development of skills and competences and the creation of participatory proposals for a more inclusive, active and sustainable Europe.

The main objectives of the project are:
‑To promote the active participation of young people so they can contribute to the social transformation of their communities;
‑To empower young people through the development of their key competences, mainly critical and creative thinking;
‑To build a space for debate and reflection among young people, youth workers, political leaders and experts, developing collective proposals for social transformation;
‑To exchange ideas, experiences and good practices on the current situation of youth in Europe;
‑To create a network of organisations from five European countries to promote the construction of a more active, inclusive and sustainable Europe.

Duration of the project: 01/06/2022 – 31/05/2024 [24 months]

The main activities of the project are:
-Coordination meetings in Portugal and Lithuania;
-Meetings in each country with young people, youth workers and experts;
‑Identification and collection of good practices;
‑Mapping and meetings with stakeholders;
‑Analysis on the impact of Covid-19 on intra and interpersonal relationships, life project, healthy living and environment and active participation and creation of the eBook “The impact of Covid-19 on Youth. Challenges and Opportunities;
‑Creation and implementation of an Online Training Course for young people on (1) Self-knowledge and Emotional Intelligence; (2) Sense of initiative/entrepreneurship and creative thinking; (3) Green Life and Sustainability; (4) Critical thinking and Active Participation.
‑International Training Course in Spain for young people to improve young people’s digital competences;
‑Creation and publication of videos on the Project YouTube Channel;
-Contest “United for a more active, inclusive and sustainable Europe”;
‑Meetings with political representatives to present the proposals;
‑Presentation in Brussels of the proposals;
-Multiplier Events in each country;
‑Final (online) evaluation meeting.

This project will have an impact both on participants (new competences acquired and/or improved, personal and professional development, etc.), on the organisations (use of new competences and tools, exchange of good practices, creation of new products, better quality and efficiency, etc.), and on society in general (greater awareness of the importance of active participation, new tools more in line with the demands and needs to face the challenges of today’s society, greater interest in the project topics, greater knowledge about the impact of Covid-19 on Youth, etc.).