First Transnational Project Meeting
In order to coordinate the first phases of the project, present the structure of the project plans, define the visibility activities and clarify doubts, representatives of the six organisations (Iniciativa Internacional Joven, INCIDE, Asociacija Aktyvistai, EPRALIMA, Comune di San Venanzo, Development Perspectives and AAUTS), we met on July 4 in Portugal for our first Transnational Project Meeting.
This meeting was hosted by the Portuguese organisation of the project, Associação de Artistas Urbanos e de Transformação Social (AAUTS), and it took place in Amadora, Lisbon.
The main aim of our project, which is co-founded by the European Union, is to promote the active participation of young people in democratic life, through the development of skills and competences and the creation of participatory proposals for a more inclusive, active and sustainable Europe.