Online Training Course: online presentation
Today, the Online Training Course for the "United for Social Transformation" project officially began with
an engaging online gathering where young people from different European countries participated.
This Online Training Courselves is totally free of charge and it is aimed mainly at young people between 13
and 30 years old, although it is open to anyone who wishes to do it.
Through this Course we want to improve the key competences of young people contributing to their
empowerment and active participation in society. The Online Training Course is divided into four modules:
1. Self-knowledge and Emotional Intelligence;
2. Sense of initiative/entrepreneurship and creative thinking;
3. Green Life and Sustainability;
4. Critical Thinking and Active Participation.
In addition, we will have also four very interesting online sessions (webinars) on May 22, May 29, June 12
and June 19 with experts on the topics.
See you there!